The scientific research activities and technological developing of the university are always coherent to the training. Research results of scientific research projects, initiative experiences, and technical solutions have made certain contributions to science, especially applied effectively innovative methods in teaching, practiced the subjects, trained teachers' skills and professionalism, contributing to the positive changes in teaching and learning activities of teachers and students.
In the period 2012-2017, the number of university-level research projects is increased year by year, with 80 subjects were registered and 66 subjects were approved for implementation. The total number of proposals submitted at the provincial level is 10, of which 2 are approved for implementation in 2017: One is "Research and develop equipment Supporting the Rehabilitation of Lower Limb Amputees"; The other is "The Role of Economic Components in Economic Growth in Quang Ngai Province"
In addition, during the period of 2018-2020, Pham Van Dong University is assigned to take the prime responsibility for the project “Research on Agronomical, Biochemical and Genetic Indicators for Sustainable Development of Ly Son Garlic” and coordinate with the Center for Information and Application of Science and Technology, Quang Ngai Department of Science and Technology (DOST) to carry out the project “Research on the Improvement of Plant Tissue Culture Technology for Producing Plant Varieties (hybrid acacia, banana, moth orchid) which Have the High Economic Value in Province ”.
In the period 2012-2017, the University has won scientific awards at competitions such as:
* Awards at the Quang Ngai Provincial Innovation Competition for teenagers, National Youth Creativity Festival 2015:
- First Prize: The research work on "Quantification of Iron in the Well Water of Pham Van Dong University by Titration Method" and "Optimization of Extracting Ly Son Garlic Oil by Steam Distillation"
- Second prize: The research work "Detail Plastic 3D Printer"
* Certificate of Merit from the Central Committee of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union at the 8th National Youth Festival 2015:
- The research work: "Optimizing the Efficiency of Extracting Ly Son Garlic Oil by Steam Distillation"
- The research work "Detail Plastic 3D Printer"
* Award at the Quang Ngai Provincial Technical Creativity Contest:
- Third Prize: The research work "Design and Develop CNC Wood Router Machine"
- Consolation Prize: "Design and Manufacture Omni-directional Electric Wheelchair"; and "Application of PAM Structure on Rehabilitation Equipment"
* Awards for Music and Painting
- First Prize at Quang Ngai Poster Painting Competition 2013: The picture "The Mountains and Rivers of Southern Country, Dwelled by Southern Emperor" (Nam Quốc Sơn Hà, Nam Đế Cư)
- Prize B at the Vietnam Musicians' Association Festival in the southern region in 2013: The song "Up to the Mountain Thien Thai" (Lên Núi Thiên Thai)
- Consolation Prize: Vietnam Music Award: The song "Fatherland and the Sea" (Tổ Quốc và Biển) and the song "Missing Black Horse" (Nỗi Nhớ Ngựa Ô)