Address: 509 Phan Dinh Phung Street, Quang Ngai City, Quang Ngai Province
Number of staff members: 34
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering and Electronics
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery
Courses at University Level
Mechanical Engineering Technology
Courses at College Level
Mechanical Engineering Technology, Electrical Engineering Technology
Vocational Courses
Mechanical Engineering Technology, Automobile Maintenance and Repair, Industrial and Civil Electrical Engineering, Forestry, Animal Husbandry - Veterinary, Land Management
Other Vocational Courses
Welding, Cutting Metals, Industrial Electricity, Industrial Electronics, Veterinary Medicine
Workshops for: -Machine, Iron Technique, Dynamics
- Electricity, Electronics, Automatic Control
Slogan: "Engineering and Technology - Creating Opportunities for the Future”
Educate engineers, technological engineers, technicians and workers with extensive knowledge, practical skills, stable political integrity and good health to meet socio-economic development needs in industrialization and modernization of the province and the central region.
Had 02 institution-level scientific studies, many scientific articles published in the Institution’s Information of Science and Technology and a number of scientific articles published in national and international journals;
Joined Robocon Competition from 2008 and in 2009, Pham Van Dong University Robocon Team was in the national final round.
Future Development
Provide courses of Electrical Engineering Technology, Construction at university level; courses of Environmental Engineering Technology, Land Management, Biotechnology, Construction at college level;
Establish "Center for Research and Application of Engineering and Technology" within the Faculty as "a company in the institution" to create conditions for staff members and students to become familiar with actual production processes.